Friday, August 21, 2009

+= success =+

hoW do yOU mEasurE sUccesS??

to lauGh ofTeN aNd MuCh;
tO wiN thE rESpeCts oF inTeLligeNt pEoplE aNd thE aFfeCtIoN oF chiLdrEn;
tO apPreciAtE beAutY;
to fInd thE bEst iN oTherS;
to LeaVe tHe wOrlD a liTtle bEtTer, whetHer bY a hEaLthY cHilD,
a gArdEn pAtcH, a rEdEemeD sOciAL conDitIon oR a jOb wElL dOnE;
tO knOw wHen oNe oThEr liFe hAs brEathEd eAsieR bEcaUse yOu haVe liVed

tHis is tO hAve sUcceedeD

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