holiday but nothing interesting happen..i just stayed at home and qada my tido yg dh termissed ms pg perak hrtu..hehehe..syok nye...
a little bit bosan la..
y?? sbb yesterday is a holiday, today is working day..and tomorrow will be a holiday again until monday..
i just can't wait to go back to my hometown..miss my mom so much!!
malam ni naik bus kul 8 p.m, so by 10 p.m leh directly jumpe mak yg paling ku sayang...
well..actually my brothers and sisters plan to go wet world,BP..
ape lg, nk sibuk gak tumpang sekaki join anak sdare main air..
moh kite meng'burn' kan muke kte beramai2..
another thing, me n my sisters already plan to celebrate my mom's birthday in advance (her birthday actually at 31st dec).. it shud be fun!!
well..i just can't wait to c my mom n dad..